to the
Doc Harris Institute
The Institute provides the
tools and techniques you need to
Relate, Communicate, and Resonate
with those who may not look,
act or think the same way you do.

Doc Richard Harris
Institute Founder
The Doc Harris Institute is dedicated to improving “soft” skills for leaders who want to better impact their communities, organizations, churches, and businesses.
These skills include, but are not limited to:
communication skills,
relationship skills,
thinking skills,
and interracial skills.
“Hard” skills, like technology, change from year to year; these “soft” skills will be used throughout your lifetime.

College Level Training without the High Tuition Cost
Thousands of students have paid up to $3300 per course to get the knowledge and skillsets contained in each of these courses which are now available to you at a fraction of the cost.
These courses are an investment in your future!

Highly Qualified and Experienced Course Leaders
Doc Harris and all the other professors designing and teaching these courses not only have the academic degrees backing them up but also the real-world experience so that you can shine in your workplace, church, and personal relationships!

Courses Designed to Provide You with Powerful Business Skills
These courses are designed to teach you the things you didn’t learn in school. Master skills that will enhance your advancement prospects and your ability to thrive.
Learn how to relate better, communicate better, and resonate more with the people around you!
The Seven Colored Spectacles Course
Make Better Decisions Today on Your Own or with Your Team
It’s time to say, “Good-bye” to the fighting and bickering that goes on when a group hears a new idea presented.
It’s time to say, “Good riddance” to that annoying argument that goes on inside your own head when you’re trying to decide on a course of action.
After completing The Seven Colored Spectacles Course . . .
. . . you’ll know how to move beyond just brainstorming to be able to generate new ideas and solutions no one has ever thought of before.
. . . you’ll be able to assess which ideas are the best either with your team or by yourself.
. . . you’ll have a whole toolkit of approaches to find the best route to take.
. . . you and your team will feel good not only about the decision made but also about the process to arrive at that decision!
What Past Students Are Saying:
Thank you for teaching me the 7 Spectacles! They have already served me well both on a personal level as well as in my business situation. They cause me to take a more balanced view of new ideas rather than just dismissing them immediately."
AP, Marketing Director
The 7 Spectacles for decision making was a real perspective change for me. This is a powerful model and really goes a long way in providing a safe place for each person to express their thoughts."
SL, Executive Pastor
A wonderful new way to think about the decision-making process.
This is going to stop the bickering on my team and facilitate creative thinking. Can’t wait to implement this!”
KH, School Administrator
What a great, useful idea! This should be brought into family discussions, used at the United Nations, and even in the US Congress!"
AM, Corporate CEO